Tuesday, July 2, 2013

15 in 5: Buzz-Worthy Behavior

Welcome to the Lord’s team! It’s time for you to get ready for your BIG challenge, a wrestling match. You've learned the basic moves - Footwork: You Are the One, the Church, called to go into the world. Technique: You've learned how to share the Gospel and make an impact in the world. The Hold: Through Christ, you give hopeless people something to hold on to. The Mentality: You are destined for victory. Now, it’s the final training session and it’s your time to be called up! It’s time to think on the level of your calling, Buzz-Worthy!

It’s imperative that when your situation elevates, your mentality elevates with it. When situation is elevated above mentality, soul wrestling happens in Christians.  Let’s be real… if this happens you’ll find yourself stretched between two levels: that which was behind you and that which is before you. An upward calling wrestles with a downward craving. Two forces can pull you completely apart, its soul pulling. It’s the love of two places that tears you apart; married but want to be single, professional but want to have the party life with the good ole’ boys, a Christian but want to dabble in the ways of the world. You’re split between two levels.

Many famous personalities openly speak about praise and worship, speaking in tongues, and their faith but at the end of the day they are torn between faith and pleasing the world. Unfortunately, they hold back because they are afraid of “how it will go over”. So many people say they are Christians but fail to deliver. Being READYspiritually doesn’t just happen. It comes as a result of the intentional habits/practice/actions that you build into your life. If you think that you can depend on a once a week Sunday morning service to provide all your spiritual needs…. You are wrong! You’ll be torn apart before the match ever starts.

In the journey to Be The One, your biggest opponent will be yourself. It’s not the stress from the outside world that conquers you. It’s the internal stress. Take it step-by-step. It’s a gradual process. Realizing that life is a process will help you keep your sanity and build your strength. Your habits and attention to spiritual discipline will develop a champion inside of you. Take time for prayer and being alone with God - His Word, acts of service towards others, moral faithfulness, and loving obedience are your daily training. Prayer, study and application!

Don’t be a sour Christian advertising Christ with your clothes, jewelry and bumper stickers. No, no, no! It’s fearless, confident Christ-like Buzz-Worthy Behavior that you must display!  This type of behavior and mindset will make your life powerful in the world. Get ready, prepare and be Christ-like with Buzz-Worthy Behavior. Big things are in your future… We Are Church – Are you READY?

Prayer Points:
·    Praise God that He may let you bend but never lets you break
·    Thank Him that when you are weak, He is strong
·    Pray for your discipline and spiritual training to make you a champion for His team
·    Ask for victory in your wrestling match with “self”

Don Gibson

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