Friday, July 12, 2013

15 in 5: Joy-Full, Joy-Full We Adore Thee

Job 8:21
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. (NIV)
When asked “what makes your mom the most happy?”  A four year old girl answered with a grin and a giggle “Daddy”.  Followed by the question, “So what makes Daddy most happy?” the same grin and giggle replied “Mommy”.  This little girl was fortunate enough to be able to recognize that her parents not only loved each other but took joy in each other. 

We plan the wedding of our dreams, walk down the aisle and have a blast on our honeymoon but no one really tells us where to go from there.  We know we are supposed to love in sickness and health and all that, but does anyone tell us we need to find joy in our marriage?  Are we ever told we can actually kick back, relax and enjoy each other?  What a concept that would be.  It’s so easy to get bogged down with the everyday chores of life like going to work, paying bills, doing the laundry, wrangling the kids or grandkids that we forget there is a person standing right in front of us.  This person once was the thing we thought about most, the source of our smile, the reason the second hand on the clock crept along until the next second we could spend together.  But now they are standing there a few years older (maybe more) and we begin to wonder where all the joy we used to feel when they walked into a room has gone?  The joy is still there but we tend to bury it under hurt feelings, fights and unfulfilled expectations. 

Well, all that stuff just doesn’t sound like any fun, so why not do a little relationship house cleaning?  This may be easier said than done but God doesn’t desire for us to live in the difficulties of marriage, He delights in our joy!  God created Eve for Adam as a gift, she brought Him great joy!  Can you imagine them as they laughed together watching the monkeys swinging from branch to branch or possibly even got in a water fight in a lagoon?  God wouldn’t have created laughter if He didn’t want us to participate, especially with the one person we have chosen to walk through life with.  Imagine how your kids or friends would react if you and your spouse started actually delighting in each other.  How would your marriage, your attitude…your life change if you stopped holding on to the offenses and started finding ways to have fun!  Go ahead….jump in with both feet, the water’s fine!!!
Prayer Points:
·    PRAY that God can help you let go of any offenses against your spouse
·    THANK Him that His Joy is your strength!
·    DECLARE that today you will find a way to laugh with your spouse
·    REJOICE that God designed us to enjoy the gift of marriage

You are God's Best!
Pastor Don Gibson

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