Friday, July 5, 2013

15 in 5: You and You Alone

Luke 12:35
35 Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning

You can wait forever on an opportunity, but an opportunity will not wait forever on you. Without discipline and self-control you can never be the person you want to be. Its cliché, but becoming the best you starts with the little things. If you’re going to jump out of the airplane, you must check and use your own equipment. If you’re going to an interview for the job of your dreams, you must go to the interview. If you’re an athlete,you must take the drug test. If you’re a ballerina, you must practice the curtsey and the Deboulé. Another person’s faith will not cover your admittance into heaven. This is one step that you must take solo – You and You Alone.

Don’t wait till it’s too late.  Your relationship with God cannot be bought at the last minute, at any price. You must be prepared, be ready!  You’re being called to a higher level. To whom much is given much is required. The enemy doesn’t fight you for where you are, he fights you for where you are going. Take note!  You don’t need people’s approval… all you need is God’s approval.

Mathew Henry stated, “There are many who care not to live the Christian life, yet want to die the death of righteousness.” The Bible states that you are not controlled by the sinful nature but by the Spirit if the Spirit of God lives in you… if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9). God is your source, come to Him while you still have time. The great news is that He works the night shift as well as the day shift. He’s readily available 24x7.

Renew your mind by reminding yourself that your transformation to higher levels is taking place. Don’t allow people to negatively impact your thoughts. God has destined you to victory… break addictions, bad habits, negative thoughts. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter. You truly have so much in you!

It’s not your circumstance; it’s your tenacity that makes you tough. You never know how tough you are until you’ve been tried. As you go higher, your circumstances and surroundings will change. You must adjust to the thinner air. Breathing is different in higher altitudes. If you truly follow Jesus, He’ll take you where the air is thin and the climate is cold. You must prepare! He has the key to the mystery of “you”, the Church. You must choose to follow Him to the high place to unlock your mystery. The secret to your potential is with Him. You must chase Him to find out who you are destined to be, who He created you to be. Go outside your comfort zone. It’s you and you alone that will make this happen. Will you Be The One? We Are Church – Ready.

Prayer Points:
·    Thank God for wisdom and discernment in knowing what to do and when to do it
·    Confess to Him that you need Him to make you ready to move
·    Ask Him to help you boldly enter into warfare knowing the enemy is already defeated
·    Pray for God to unlock your secret potential and destiny 

Your God's Best!
Pastor Don Gibson

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