Thursday, June 6, 2013

15 in 5: Business Unusual

1Thessalonians 1:8
8 For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.

It’s time to take charge! The world doesn’t need new ideas. The world needs people who will Be the One to work God’s plan and be a difference maker. People with plans are ready to work it out. These hard working people are not caught up in titles or names.  They are not afraid to sweat and get dirty. Don’t be the one that tells someone what to do or what needs to be done; be the one that is a catalyst for change.

Many people in the world have heard of Jesus, his life, death and the Resurrection. On the contrary, not many people know of or have experienced the Holy Spirit. If a person’s faith is based on Jesus and the cross, then their faith is based on historical events that occurred over two thousand years ago.  Their faith is not based on an actual encounter with the Holy Spirit. What Christ did for us is important, but what God wants to do through us is equally important!  When you get a hold of what God wants to do through you, your awareness of His power and glory become “In the Now”. The Holy Spirit will absolutely revolutionize your life.

God said that in the last days He will pour out His Spirit. Have you tapped into your gifts? Getting ahold of the Holy Spirit will change your life and ROCK your world! You have a purpose and He has a plan. God chose you to Be the One to be a sanctuary, to be the Church. There is a song that says, “Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary. Pure and Holy, tried and true… With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you…” Get ready to get real and get loud. Let your faith in God become known to everyone, everywhere. Sound forth like a mighty clap of thunder. Be bold, not afraid to defy the dangers of this life. God is with you and He’ll never forsake you. Stretch yourself to validate your authenticity to Christ. It’s time to take your faith to the next level. There is a paradigm shift taking place and it’s all about business unusual: Be the One – We Are Church.

Prayer Points:
·    Praise God for His grace in allowing you to be in His presence
·    Ask God to change you and make you a catalyst for Him
·    Pray for revelation knowledge of how God wants to work through you
·    Submit yourself to the Lord so He may make you a living sanctuary

-Don Gibson

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