Friday, June 21, 2013

15 in 5: Unlock Your Mind

Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  ESV

Summer time in Texas means finger-licking-good, mouth-watering meals. Meals so good, your eyes become bigger than your stomach and everyone puts on an extra few pounds because we refuse to let good food go to waste. We sit there and stuff ourselves beyond our limits. Yes, you know that feeling of truly exploding when you top off! Why do you think gas stations have a warning sign “Do Not Top Off!” Topping off is dangerous… do not overstuff yourself!  Anyway, back to the reason you overstuffed… The food was so delicious because of the special seasoning, the marinade, and the flavor. Only the perfect mixture of love and seasoning makes you willing to stuff your body beyond its natural limit causing you to willingly suffer over a great thing. You unlock your mind to the natural limits so that you can take it, some inhale it, the meal that was “to die for”. Much like a very delicious and enjoyable meal, the seasoning of life is hope.

Whether you are a master chef or America’s worst cook, all you need to do is rub a little hope into your circumstances and before your eyes will come joy, peace and power. Let your words communicate hope. Proverbs 18:20-21 states: “From the fruit (words) of your mouth a man’s stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Let the words and conversations that come out of your mouth be seasoning to your life and to those whom you speak over. You can have hope because God’s grace causes you to live. God wants you to bear and make it through difficult times. Most importantly, you can have hope because “No One” can take it away!

You are fully loaded and seasoned, totally equipped. If you learn to stretch your faith and hope, the Master will step in and you will get breaks you didn’t deserve, overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable and accomplish more than you ever thought possible. With hope, your circumstances will give way to new victories. You will see God’s blessings rise up before your very eyes. Be the One, We are Church – HOPE.

Prayer Points:
·    Praise God that He will not let you be overcome with the issues of life
·    Thank Him for speaking hope into your life and situations and making you the head and not the tail
·    Pray that God will make you salt to season the earth
·    Ask Him to overstuff you with Him so you overflow with His joy
Don Gibson

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