1 Thessalonians 2:11-13
11 For you know how, like a father with his children, 12 we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. 13 And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.
Jesus was a friend to sinners. Long before you were standing at the place you are today, Jesus loved you - before you were redeemed. We are all born into sin; our society celebrates lust of the eyes and of the flesh as well as gossip and accusations. So many people are hurting in the world. Was there a time when you walked in their shoes and knew how the lost and hurt people feel? Stop for just a second and ask yourself, “Whose life have I touched today or even this week?”
John Maxwell made a very compelling statement. He said, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” You can hold a handful of degrees, but your education does not make you effective. The key to being effective and making an impact is to prove how much you genuinely care for others.
Real treasures are found in relationships. Unlike all else in the world, meaningful relationships are not perishable. Actions speak louder than words. When you have a heart for Christ your actions will prove to others that you are genuine. You will not have to speak it. You will begin to invest personally in others. You will invest in relationships. You will be sacrificial and know that it is for a greater purpose. It’s all about less of you and more of Him. You desire to be Christ-like and walk in His dust. Without a conscious effort you will begin to lead by example and people will begin to recognize the authority that has been bestowed upon you. Others will be drawn to you.
Jesus was exactly the opposite of what the world expected of Him. They wanted a ruler and He gave them a servant. They wanted a mighty king and He gave them a man of humility and gentleness. They wanted a man beyond worldly reproach and He ate with sinners. They tried to take the children from Him and He gathered them up and blessed them. They wanted immediate miracles and acts to save them from all their earthly woes; He gave His life to save them from eternity. Jesus engaged and made a huge impact. He was gentle and loving, yet willing to rebuke evil. Slow to anger, yet He showed righteous anger when His Father’s temple was defiled.
Step outside your box and get involved in people’s lives. Through your own actions, encourage others to step outside of selfishness and live for Christ. Be a kingdom representative. From the elite to the street, it’s time to Be the One – We Are Church. It’s time to engage the world and make an IMPACT!
Prayer Points:
· Praise God for His unfailing love
· Pray that He will help you to be an imitator of Him and live a life of love
· Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in setting an example in your speech and actions
Don Gibson
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