1 Thessalonians 1:6-8
6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, 7 so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. 8 For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.
No matter the sport, if your opponent fails to show up for the game you win by default; the competitor that failed to show forfeits the game. Are you a fierce competitor… do you absolutely hate losing and vow never to thrown in the towel? Can you put a number on how many times you have forfeited in your own life? Put the word forfeit into a spiritual perspective and get ready to be truly amazed.
We live in a society where hurt, hurt people. Gossip and deceit thrusts you in the spotlight and makes you instantly rich. Everywhere you turn, the headline is tragedy, sorrow or another breaking news report of an evil attack on the economy, government or wellness. Is it really that these negatives outweigh all that is Holy and just or is it that “The Called” forfeited? … We say we have a relationship with Christ yet many are “Sunday Christians” and go back to the world’s way of living Monday – Saturday. What a difference we can make if we’d stop hoarding the Sunday sermon and decide to Be The One. Be the One to be the CHURCH in a hurt and dying world.
History does not lie and the WORD does not return void. If two, Paul and Silas, could bring the Word to a hostile region that was a melting pot much like Houston and create one of the most powerful early churches, imagine what you can do if you decide to Be The One. Be the one to share His message daily with your words, actions and transparent life story. Your words have power; you have to open your mouth to allow the Word to come to life and be effective.
We are living stones. When we come together we build a church against which the gates of Hell cannot prevail. Individually and unified, we stand on a foundation that is unconquerable. You are a special agent of Christ! A special agent equipped with unique gifts, an anointing and a supernatural ability. Stir Up Your Gift! It’s time to lace up your heavenly sneakers, gather your gear and enter the arena. Satan and his scandalous team are fast at work killing, stealing souls and destroying lives. God has anointed and equipped you with everything you need to win. All you have to do is show up; don’t forfeit.
Your name is being announced by the angels in the arena. Now is your moment. Remember, the victory is yours. No more forfeits… It’s Game Time!
Prayer Points:
· Thank God that His Word is alive
· Praise God for His power, ability and sufficiency
· Pray for Him to make you a new creation
· Ask God to help you be a team player in bringing His Kingdom to Earth
-Don Gibson
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