Thursday, June 20, 2013

15 in 5: Living to the Extreme

Proverbs 18:20-21
20 From the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips. 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. 

Life is the Ultimate Fighting Championship; when living for Christ you are an extreme fighter. You may be a lightweight, middleweight or a heavyweight. Regardless of your class, on a daily basis you walk into an arena and face a hard-core opponent that’s trying to knock you out with fierce blows, solid kicks and a strike straight to your core. Sometimes, “you” yourself are the hardest opponent you must conquer. It’s imperative that you train in the Word and maintain your God-given gifts and strengths: mentally, physically and spiritually. Most important, you must keep faith and hope in the midst of the battle. God has called you to this fight. He will not abandon you in the midst of any struggle or battle!

The definition of extreme is to reach a high or the highest degree. In order to live an extreme life to your full potential and destiny, you must hope. It’s less of you and more of Him. The fear of losing “self” can be overcome through God. Paul writes that we must present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God; a spiritual act of worship. Sacrificing yourself is not as easy as it seems.

Many crawl off the altar as the thought of dying to self is frightening. It may be scary to realize that the will of God and the needs of our family must come before our own desires and needs. You emerge as a true Champion when you die to yourself and live for God. Your true self emerges as your God-created image is restored. Maturity is unleashed and you are able to “put away childish things” or “sins of youth” and begin to speak and act as the person God created you to be.

These changes are not easy, but the need is immediate. Dig down deep within you and find the courage. Your hope is in God. He created you to triumph! Philippians 4:13 states that you can do all things through Him who gives you strength; God is in your corner. He is your Trainer, your Coach, your Abba Father, your Legal Counsel… He is “I AM”!
Life is designed to have sadness and joy, peace and power at the same time. You were created to hope, God is a God of hope! Be the One, We Are Church – Hope.

Prayer Points:
·    Thank God for His unfailing love and strength without equal
·    Praise Him that in His presence there is hope
·    Ask God to deliver you from any fear and replace it with Godly fear
·    Pray that He will help you to walk in His truth

Don Gibson

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