Tuesday, June 25, 2013

15 in 5: Modern Day Mystery

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
9 But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— 10 these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. ESV

Life is a mystery, and quite a big one at that. The angels in heaven and satan are not even privy to God’s plans.   Powers and principalities marvel at the genius of God. In the Bible, Solomon states that God is praised for being mysterious. God is so brilliant that if the devil had known of God’s plan for the church, he would have never gone after Jesus. When you are not walking in righteousness, you think you know… but you truly have no idea.

You see, the mystery is the Church. In a time when segregation was extreme based on ethnicity, social status and bloodline, God’s master-plan was unity through diversity. The mystery of the church is bringing people together to manage His plan. Here is the fascinating part - you are a part of this powerful mystery. You are a part of a mystery in which neither the angels nor the demons and devil have knowledge. Through you, angels, demons and the devil are being educated. They are truly fascinated watching you carry out the activity of God.

As never before, God wants to reveal His mysterious plans to you. In your greatest failure God will call your name. God does not select the qualified, He qualifies the unqualified. To “Be The One” to unlock the victory in Christ – and in this life – requires wisdom.  This is why God wants you to pursue wisdom and understanding above all else.

One important secret that can be revealed to you is God’s will for your life. His desire is for you to prosper and succeed in all areas of life, not just material things. More importantly He desires our success in spirit-inspired thoughts, declarations, conversations, divinely appointed relationships – and above all else, spiritual gifts and abilities. The secret is out! The modern day mystery is the Church. This should generate excitement and expectation. Dare to Be The One, We Are Church – Embrace the Mystery.

Prayer Points:
·    Worship God as the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth
·    Thank Him for His glorious, unlimited resources
·    Pray that He will empower you with inner strength and wisdom through the Holy Spirit
·    Ask God to help your roots grow firmly down into His love and keep you strong

Don Gibson

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