Friday, June 28, 2013

15 in 5: A Texas State of Mind

You know the saying, “We do things bigger and better in Texas!” Well, if that is true then it’s about high time you put on your boots, give the spurs a click and Get’er Done! We live in the greatest nation on Earth. You have absolutely no excuse as to why you are not making a huge impact for the Kingdom. You’ll jump into high gear when it comes to the Superbowl or cheering under the Friday Night Lights… do you give equal time and ambition to fight the good fight and cheer on the Kingdom? Your state of mind allows the Holy Spirit to unlock the secrets of God’s mysteries through revelation in wisdom and understanding. Do you have a Texas state of mind when it pertains to the Kingdom of God?

The knowledge of secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables - Mathew 13:10-13 (NIV). Did you get that? As long as information is hidden no one can prosper from it - no matter how powerful the secret or mystery or how mighty the person. The person who makes the secret known to others (shares), no matter who it is, will have access to abundance. Now that’s powerful… sounds like a Heavenly dose of Texas State of Mind!

The importance and power of understanding are key. In the parable of the sower (Mathew 13:18-19) Jesus talks about our ability to understand – He is addressing the issue of the state of a man’s mind. Out of your mind you produce based on your understanding. The Bible says that understanding will guard you; blessed is the one… who gets understanding (Prov. 2:11, Prov. 3:13 ESV).

Above all else, seek understanding. Get in the right “State of Mind” and pursue knowledge, wisdom and truth. Make it a habit to examine your thoughts. Be intentional in what you hear, how you think and what you speak... Be The One, We Are Church – Mystery; set the stage for how you think.

Prayer Points:
·    Praise God for His greatness, infinite power and majesty
·    Thank God that He said you are able to do all things through Jesus
·    Pray that despite bad days, He will bless you with mercy and grace
·    Ask Him to give you an open mind to understand and courage to share His mystery

Don Gibson

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